Robert Mack

Board Member, Tax Fairness For Americans Abroad

Disclaimer: The opinions, stances, and positions expressed by the board members of Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad (TFFAA) as well as by the TFFAA organization itself solely reflect their personal views or those of the TFFAA organization. These opinions and positions in no way represent the views, policies, or official positions of other organizations with which the board members might be associated. All references to affiliations or roles held within other organizations are mentioned solely for the purpose of identification and context. Membership in other organizations does not imply any endorsement or responsibility on the part of these entities regarding the statements or positions adopted by the board members of TFFAA or by TFFAA itself.

Robert Mack is an American who has lived and worked outside the US since 1991, mostly in Brussels, Belgium, where he currently resides. He has also lived for several years in Istanbul and Dubai in the course of his career, which has focused on public affairs, government relations and communications in developed, emerging and developing markets.