5 small things you can do to help right now

We are just getting started, spreading the word that we exist, collecting overseas Americans’ stories about CBT, FATCA and FBAR reporting and collecting donations to help us deliver our messages in Washington, D.C.

We could really use your help!

  1. Take a few minutes to share your story on this page

  2. Sign up for our newsletter in the footer and share it with every other American you know

  3. Follow us and like and share our Facebook, LinkedIn and X posts to help us reach more Americans abroad

  4. Volunteer to do more using the sign-up form on this page

  5. Donate whatever you can to help us fund our campaign for change in Washington (using the button on this page). Every little bit helps! Consider it an investment in freedom from Citizenship-Based Taxation and a lifetime of discrimination and costly and unnecessary compliance anxiety!