A modest proposal: End the inefficient, unfair double taxation of Americans abroad
The double taxation of Americans abroad is an egregious example of government waste and poor customer service.
Survey reveals overwhelming support for Rep. LaHood’s Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act
Americans abroad overwhelmingly support Rep. Darin LaHood’s Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act and would immediately opt for RBT if given the chance.
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad endorses ambitious proposal for elective residence-based taxation
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad endorses proposal for elective residence-based taxation to end discrimination against U.S. citizens overseas.
An American social worker is afraid to live a normal life in New Zealand because of U.S. tax rules
An American is afraid to live a normal life in New Zealand because of U.S. tax law.
Americans Abroad Launch New Global Campaign for Independence from U.S. Tax Discrimination
Americans abroad face daily hassles and risks associated related to American tax and enforcement rules even if they have no U.S.-source income.
5 ways citizenship-based taxation harms Americans abroad
Complying with U.S. tax laws often presents daunting challenges and complexities for Americans abroad.